Saturday, March 10, 2012

Hope Circuit?

Hey, Dude, what are you talking about? Hope circuit? This is something which palakuttis/toppers will do, this is not for us. I cannot do this and i am not going to do this. i am going to be in my hostel room.

If this is your felling about this contest, read this.

Who should do Hope Circuit?
If I can get a job in Electronics Company, I would say, each one of you as well can get it. At least, you have the rights to ask employers (APPLE) to give you the electronics design task (future- iPad12). So, to answer the question in hand, one who wants to give himself to electronics, one who wants to feel Electronics  

Well, How to get started?
If you are a first year/second year (better late than never) student of electronics department, considering that only three weeks are left, and considering that you don’t have an innovative idea, choose a circuit from internet with some application containing a resistor, capacitor, inductor (if possible), diode, BJT, MOSFET, SCR, Zener (who is he?) diode, opamp, timer, Widlar (who is he? Source, led, mike, antenna, speaker, IR sensor, R_NTC, varactor, varistor, thermistor.. What else..

What to do now?
1. Ignore application, Get a circuit with maximum variety (- maximum learning) of components which you will be reading in Electronic Devices, this semester.
2. Collect the datasheets of each component.
3. Read all the parameters (get to know what they mean) defined for each component. Get to know different manufacturers (your future employers)
4. Go to Ritchie Street and buy all the components plus a good multimeter.
5. Verify their IO characteristics at Electronics lab, MIT after 5pm (after getting permission from HOD)
(Opportunity: few people (who are serious about learning from experienced seniors) can be the in charge of the lab after 5pm to say 9pm (good learning opportunity) and can make their resume distinct.)
6. Your circuit will be ready as you connect the components.

You have had the first experience of understanding the electronic circuit, you have had the first experience of building others (in future, you will be designing your own) circuit. To summarize, you will be in the right track after taking ECE department here in our MIT. Let’s Make MIT better.

உன்னை போல் ஒருவன்.

1 comment:

  1. yeah well said...i m Uma Maheshwari (20080810).If any jr needs help regarding this i would be happy to help..
